a few notes on SHTF firearms

Hi all

Ive been reading the forums lately and have seen some posts on SHTF firearms that really make me smile.

One guy has 3 weapons and ammo along with a Kevlar vest… but only 3 days food, in his bug out bag.

this really doesn’t make sense to me

for bug out you are probably going to need to have as much food as possible, and if you are moving you wont get time to hunt,  so what would you do with all that ammo and that many guns?

the person in question said they have a shotgun , a pistol and a .22 rifle in semi auto.

without knowing the persons plans i am not able to say too much, but thats seams a little over kill for any situation  to the point that carrying all three will make you inefficient at combat or hunting in any case.

my 2 cents worth is simple — loose the long guns – if you are moving through urban areas .

take the shot gun if you are going short term in the wilderness.

and the .22 if you are going to stay long in the wilderness.

if you have ever served in the military you should know that carrying more then one weapon is going to be a pain , during my service I realized that the lighter the better, now I only carry a pistol, and would prefer a pistol caliber carbine over anything.

Pistols are not great weapons, but the reason I advocate this is simple, they are lighter, and you really need MUCH more food then you think and WATER is extremely heavy.

Officers use submachine guns rather then a rifle, most of the time, simply because it is lighter and has more compact ammo with good accuracy. leaving space for food and water, when resupply is uncertain.

rather have 15 days food and water and a pistol that you will probably not need then dehydrate.

bottom line is you cant eat shotgun shells.

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